Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Rise of Xosha Update

Well the bad news, The Rise of Xosha still isn't going to be published until October... BUT the good news, you'll only have to wait 3 months instead of six between The Rise of Xosha and The Dawning of the Three instead of 6.

As it is, the Legend of Xosha Series will be 6 main books then I'll start working on the branch off series (The Ryse'Dyn Chronicles, and The Way of the Pack Series)

The books are:
1. The Rise of Xosha (The Prequel)
2. The Dawning of the Three (book 1)
6. Xosha Reborn

I haven't come up with titles I like enough for the books about the three yet. I was going to do something cheesy and have it like Blood Rose, Wynter Rose, and something else Rose but I've seen entirely too many books called Blood Rose around and well that pretty much killed it for me.. So I need to come up with some new epic titles... anyone want to help? Comment on this post with a title you think I name one of the books. If I think it suits one of the middle books not only will I use the title, I'll give you credit for naming it in the book as well >^.^<

Now Remember, the titles have to be catchy... I'll even name a char after whoever can give me a better title for The Dawning of the Three

This will end when I have all the titles I need >^.^< Trust me you guys will know


  1. Here's a couple I can think of: The rise of the chosen 3, Xosha's Awakening, Rose the outcast, or The legend of Xosha. That's all I got lol :) hope it helps.

  2. Legend of Xosha is the title of the whole Series... But I'm liking Xosha's Awakening for the final book. You have a shot since I'm adding that one to the list >^.^<

  3. lol I did not see that line above that said the series is called the Legend of Xosha. Wow I feel dumb lol
